Red Dragon

[big]FTM Red Dragon[/big]
by Fatam

[green]Published to All Regions[/green]
Version 1.1


A couple options for thirds. If you take the more aggressive/closer-to-your-opponent third then you don’t have a linear 4th to follow it up. So some food for thought there.

Lots of overlord spots, because the map is small, the rush distance is fairly short, and there isn’t hardly any dead
airspace. Zerg needs that on these kinds of maps.

LOS blockers in the middle can add some interesting wrinkles to early and midgame fights.

There are some pretty open areas (the red plateau and the two middle grey areas) contrasted with some
tight chokes. So pick your spots wisely.

Given that each player’s 6 bases are all well on their side of the map, it’s still possible to reach longer, macro
games, though probably not super common given the size of the map. Variety is good, though.

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Kantuva also known as Uvantak is SMA main Manager and Administrator, he also is an accomplished SC2 Community Map Maker, having worked on SC2 Level Design since its release alongside several other Mods and RTS projects, he has built a wealth of knowledge about some of the smallest details on StarCraft, details which he uses to help other Map Makers become better Level Designers.