Digital Frontier

Published on NA/EU/KR

Here, while you’re scrolling through the thread, listen to this to get yourself in the mood.
I’ve wanted to make a Tron themed map for a while, and the recent influx of bright neon themed maps finally motivated me to do it. The layout is my attempt at the Uvantak/Avex “ramp spam” style seen in maps like Echo and Blackpink.
I would’ve liked to have simply called it “The Grid”, but Archvil3 did that over 5 years ago and I’m not going to be a dick and rip off both a map name and theme at the same time.
[list][*]Open expansions mixed with narrow/closed ramps and chokes towards the center
[*]Many pathways, making army movement and flanking easier than normal
[*]Badass tron theme with color coded cliff levels
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