TLMC#9 Winners Announced!

TLMC9 comes to a close as we round out the top five maps of the season as determined by you, the community. TLMC9 provided the public with a choice of 16 varied maps in 4 distinct categories. After months of map-making and judging, these maps were shown to the world in the form of the Wardi TLMC tournament. And after feedback from pros and the general public, mappers had a bit over a week to iterate on their creations. Then, you, the public voted on the fruits of their labor. There are the results:

All sixteen finalists will receive at least $100 by default for placing in the top 16. All finalists will also receive a custom community commander portrait if they do not yet have one. In addition, the authors of the top five maps will receive the following prizes, all provided by Blizzard.

First – $500
Second – $250
Third – $125
Fourth – $75
Fifth – $50
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Kantuva also known as Uvantak is SMA main Manager and Administrator, he also is an accomplished SC2 Community Map Maker, having worked on SC2 Level Design since its release alongside several other Mods and RTS projects, he has built a wealth of knowledge about some of the smallest details on StarCraft, details which he uses to help other Map Makers become better Level Designers.