
Hi guys, long time no see, it’s been a long time since I published a map, I even received a couple PM’s asking me if I had retired or something, but no I just have been busy with other things, but still I was working on my maps (at least when i could)!
Dulcimer is a project I had left aside since at least late 2014, you can easily see some features that I re-purpose for Echo and other maps. At the start the general idea was to make a map that had two easy accesible but open naturals, but because to do that I would need to add small trigger work and other custom features (custom hp rocks) I sadly had to drop the idea (Dev team does not like any of that stuff sadly). But out of the ideas that came from that exploring came some other maps that hopefully you will see in the future!
Regarding the design itself of the map there are quite a bit of thought provoking areas, such as the central lowground xel’naga with over the years I have come to love (maybe a bit too much), the side xel’nagas which are quite a good asset to prevent drops, the blue central mineral lines, the mineral patch blocking the backdoor to the main and of course the rocks blocking the (pretty vital) sidepaths towards the natural and third bases.
I would like to keep writing, but I’m sure you folks would rather scroll down and check the pretty pics so I’ll finish here, yet before I leave I just want to say that a good amount of maps are nearing the final stages of work, so be sure to keep an eye out because quite a few very interesting maps are coming your way!
The map can be easily found in custom games under the KTV and the SMA tags!
I’m very interested on feedback regarding this map, specially in MU’s such as ZvP where Z goes proxy hatch to the Toss third base, in testing it proved to be quite strong, but too few games and low quality to really be sure, so if you have ideas regarding that or other strats be sure to air your concerns!
For more of my work and more details regarding some design elements of the map be sure to check; KTVMaps.wordpress.com
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